How to lose weight in summer, the most effective fitness plus yoga, efficient burning fat


When you lose weight in the summer, you enter the summer, the weather is hot, and weight loss has become the most concerned topic. How can you slim down and have a slim body ? Choose a few of your favorite methods to lose weight, it will be a lot better. ! today, small series to tell you some exercise to lose weight, as well as parent-child yoga movement yo, with a look!

1 , replace the chair with a weight loss ball

Maybe you think it's a bit tired, maybe you may not get used to it at first. But this is very good for strengthening your abdomen, so for your size, the girls develop the habit of sitting on a fitness ball watching TV.

2 , jump out of the meat

All forms of rhythmic dance are good ways to burn fat and calories. It is understood that dancing can burn 400 calories in an hour. Over time, your little belly disappears without a trace. Xiao Bian advises everyone to practice belly dance or Latin dance. These two dances are especially effective for reducing belly.

3 , doing sit-ups

Sit-ups are old-fashioned but also the most classic method of thin belly. The body curls and stretches while doing sit-ups, which is really useful for relieving body slack. If other methods are not immediate, consider doing a sit-up of 10-15 minutes a day. Remember to put your hands on the side of your ear, not behind your head, so you won't strain your neck or back.

4 , bent back

If you feel that it is difficult to do sit-ups, then it is equally effective and easier to do. Sit on the floor and put your hands on your sides. Use your abdominal muscles to lift your hips off the ground while sticking your arms and shoulders to the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds, then gently drop the body back to the ground. This is repeated for 15-20 minutes.

5 , maintain a good body posture

Want to keep your abdomen flat while keeping your back strong. Because the muscles around your waist also support your spine, standing up straight will keep your back and abdominal muscles compact.

Most of the fat on the stomach is because we usually sit for a long time. If we take a long time and don't exercise, the calorie intake will become a pile of fat on the stomach. Therefore, if you want to eliminate the fat on your stomach, you need to do something specific. Thin waist action.

6 , yoga

Yoga is suitable for everyone at every level. How comfortable it is to bathe in yoga, especially for the abdomen, because doing yoga is also doing breathing exercises with the abdomen. Moreover, yoga is very helpful for training. Yoga gives you a curvaceous look while giving you a flat belly.

Yoga can also be carried out with your child to promote your parent-child relationship !

Beam angle

Posture: Face to face with the baby, the two men sit on the ground with their legs bent, and the feet are opposite. Inhale, stretch the spine ; exhale, upper body forward.

Efficacy: nourish the pelvis.

Happy baby

Posture: Sit on your back, bend your legs, frame your baby's hips, and lift up.

Efficacy: Massage the lower back to enhance leg muscle strength.

Lock leg type

Posture: Lying flat, bending the legs, the thighs close to the abdomen. The baby is lying on the cheekbones. Inhale, slightly upper body ; exhale, use your chin as close to your knees as possible.

Efficacy: Massage the abdominal internal organs, relieve the soreness of the back and achieve the body shaping effect. You can use the way of hiding cats and cats, and baby games.


Posture: Bend your legs and grab your ankles. Inhale, raise your legs back and lift your upper body off the ground. Exhale and relax. The baby can sit on the back.

Efficacy: relieve lumbar muscle strain and soften the spine.


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